Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide patented in 1974 by Monsanto Company and now manufactured and sold by many companies in hundreds of products, has been associated with cancer.
Glyphosate is best known as the active ingredient in Roundup-branded herbicides used to control weeds on farms with plants that are genetically modified with "Roundup Ready" traits; these GMO plants have been engineered so they can tolerate glyphosate exposure (gene insertion) which would otherwise kill them.
1.8 Mil Tons
9.4 Mil Tons
5 Million lb/Yr

Take Your Biology Back!
The Glyphosate Detox Program at Amenti Wellness will help to rid you of this pervasive toxin.
We've combined the best functional bioenergetic detox strategies to help your body get healthy and go back into balance!
For years, people have been eating food treated with glyphosate because it's so widely used on crops that we eat every day - but now there is a way for everyone who wants to feel better again by getting their life free from toxins like these.
We utilize cutting-edge glyphosate testing that assesses not only your biology but your environment as well with an easy-to-use at-home urine and water test kit.
The Two Paths
Glyphosate Only Test
Comprehensive Pesticide Panel
STEP 1: Testing
Receive At-Home Testing Kit Direct to Your Doorstep
Complete Urine Sample & Optional Water Sample
Mail Samples to Laboratory
STEP 2: Planning
Amenti Wellness Receives Completed Lab Work Results
A session with your Amenti Wellness Detox Specialist
Order Custom Detox Protocol
STEP 3: Implementation
Titrate Onto Your Custom Detox Protocol
1-2 Months Post Protocol Retesting
Follow-Up Session
Your Amenti Practitioner
Todd Erb, FDN-P
I am a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) through the Institute of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® with specializations & continued education in HPA-Axis Function & Hormone Metabolite Assessment and Correction, Microbiome Analysis & Correction, Methylation & Clinical Nutrigenomics, Organic Acids, & Systemic Detox.
Building on that foundation of biochemistry I also incorporate various energetic modalities to balance out my work. As the former In-House NES Health™ Bio-Energetic Practitioner & Trainer, I had the privilege of training and learning from hundreds of practitioners of every modality. I blend this experience of modern energy medicine with it's ancient roots of Hermetic Alchemy, Qigong, Taoism, Eastern & Western Shamanism, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” after reviewing years of published and peer-reviewed scientific studies, one study concluding that exposure was linked with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Emails from Monsanto and the EPA to ATSDR show that they may have hindered a report on glyphosate's risks. The U.S Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has had their draft toxicological profile out since April of this year, which reported an increased cancer risk from glyphosate exposures after evaluating animal studies as well as epidemiological data in humans with occupational exposure; however emails released via court proceedings show officials at EPA worked closely together with Monsanto representatives to block information regarding how chemicals work inside our body or interfere with human hormones - all because it would hurt profits if people knew about these possibilities upfront when buying weed killers like Roundup.
A recent study published in Environmental Sciences Europe argues that the U.S. EPA's classification of glyphosate disregarded substantial scientific evidence of genotoxicity, which is a negative impact on a cell's genetic material, associated with weed killing products such as Roundup (January 2019).
The July 2020 publication in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, Are glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides endocrine disruptors that alter female fertility? summarizes the effects of exposure to low or "environmentally relevant" doses on female reproductive tissues.
A recent study found that chronic, low-level exposure to glyphosate is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The researchers believe this result implies an association between consumption of Roundup herbicide and NAFLD because the findings show signs of markers for NASLF in rats who consumed a small amount (equivalent) of RoundUp over time.

The body accumulates toxins through a lifetime of exposure to the world, and it is never too late for us all to start detoxing. It takes time so we should not wait until after that wedding or next birthday before starting our journey towards healthier living. Start today with just one day!